
training department
In a blog post a while back I mentioned it might be nice to see the training function morph into something more akin to an organizational effectiveness unit in the next ten years.  So I enjoyed a  recent post (The Rise of the Chief Performance Officer) by knowledge management leader Tom Davenport where he suggests...
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Nothing like an economic crisis to get us thinking about our future.  The Learning Circuits Blog big question for March is “What will Workplace Learning look like in ten years?”  Harold Jarche and Jay Cross have questioned the value of the training department in their article “The Future of the Training Department”. Predicting the future...
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This blog contains perspectives on the issues that matter most in workplace learning and performance improvement.  It’s written by Tom Gram.

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The Learning Design Sprint
August 16, 2018
Practice and the Development of Expertise (Part 3)
August 9, 2018
Practice and the Development of Expertise (Part 2)
August 6, 2018
Practice and the Development of Expertise (Part 1)
August 5, 2018
Learning, Technology and the Future of Work
June 10, 2018

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Here are some popular posts from Tom’s former blog, Performance X Design. Some older posts contain inactive links and unedited formatting while they wait impatiently for him to update them.