
This is a re-post based on a article I wrote for CSTD Learning Journal back in 2013. It’s posted here in three parts. *** We know well-designed practice is a critical for effective training.  It’s what differentiates meaningful learning from passive information. But as work becomes more complex and knowledge-based, are the practice activities we design for...
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Here’s an article written in 1944 by Stephan M. Cory (University of Chicago January 1944 edition of Childhood Education).   It is a classic satire written in the first person of a seventh grade student discussing his experiences in elementary school. I think it’s a great example of the contrast of learning in rigid formal environments...
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This is the fifth and final post in the 10 Strategies for Integrating Learning and Work series.  I appreciate the comments and e-mails in response to previous posts.  This last post focuses on the job (or role).  First,  how jobs can be designed to optimize natural learning (strategy #9) and second, how elements of the...
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Bio-Optic Organized Knowledge Are you ready for Bio-Optic Organized Knowledge (B.O.O.K)?  Apparently “thousands of content creators have committed to the platform and investors are reported flocking to the medium” I learned about the new device through this B.O.O.K MARK while browsing a local supplier of B.O.O.K on the weekend.
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I’ve been reading an interesting book by Mathew May, a senior advisor to the University of Toyota:  The Elegant Solution: Toyota’s Formula for Mastering Innovation. The Toyota Production System (TPS) and Lean Production are legendary of course (and becoming more so in light of the self-destruction of the North American car industry) but the book...
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It’s fascinating to watch technical innovations grow in use from early adopters to the point where they “tip” into mass acceptance (apologies to Malcolm Gladwell).  This is certainly the case for Web 2.0 applications.  Seemingly overnight, web based social media and collaborative tools are everywhere.  (It hasn’t really happened overnight of course.  Amazon.com for example...
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Hello.  This is my inaugural post in what I hope becomes a useful learning tool for you and for me.  For my part, I hope to share approaches and ideas that I have developed over 20+ years working and consulting in the learning and performance profession.  If I peak your interest (or provoke your disagreement),...
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This blog contains perspectives on the issues that matter most in workplace learning and performance improvement.  It’s written by Tom Gram.

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Recent Posts

The Learning Design Sprint
August 16, 2018
Practice and the Development of Expertise (Part 3)
August 9, 2018
Practice and the Development of Expertise (Part 2)
August 6, 2018
Learning, Technology and the Future of Work
June 10, 2018
The Myth of e-Learning Levels of Interaction
November 12, 2013

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Here are some popular posts from Tom’s former blog, Performance X Design. Some older posts contain inactive links and unedited formatting while they wait impatiently for him to update them.