Gram Consulting


Perspectives on the issues that matter most in workplace learning and performance development

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I Want it Now!

The Learning Circuits Blog big question this month is: How do you respond to the “I want it now!” request from a demanding executive? They provide the scenario of  a...
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Making Informal Learning Assets Work

Seeking ways to leverage new social media environments, learning departments are discovering ways to sneak a little formal learning through the informal learning back door. Some of our clients for...
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Extending Action Mapping for Performance Design

Through her Action Mapping process Cathy Moore has demystified, and put a friendly face on an analysis process that produces lean and effective learning programs with an emphasis on practice...
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The 30 Second MBA

I came across this interesting resource recently–The 30 second MBA. It’s a venture of Fast Company Magazine.  Leaders and entrepreneurs from a variety of industries are asked to describe their...
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Evaluating with the Success Case Method

In my last post I mentioned that I prefer the Success Case Method for evaluating learning (and other) interventions to the Kirkpatrick approach. A few readers contacted me asking for...
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Evaluating Training and Learning Circa 2011

In a recent article in CLO magazine Dan Pontefract questioned the value of traditional training evaluation and the Kirkpatrick approach in particular (article re-posted here).  The article raised the ire...
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Management Development Redux

My last few posts have been about management and leadership development.  In this post, I thought I would bring some of those ideas together in the form of a process...
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How Managers Learn

For years we have dragged managers into training programs then do it again in a year or two to “renew” their skills or expose them to the “next  thing” sparked...
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An Idea List: Using Web 2.0 for Management Development

At the session I described in my last post, table groups did a short brainstorming session on how web 2.0 tools could be used in a Management Community of Practice...
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