I did a three part interview series recently with HRM Online introducing emerging approaches to learning. You can probably guess what they are:
- Informal Learning
- Social Learning
- Mobile Learning
- Virtual Learning
- Gaming and Simulation
- Performance Support
Part one introduces the new paths to learning at work. I’ll post each part in the series here as they are released. I’ll be doing a Webinar on the same topic on May 15. Information on how to register are listed with the video or you can register here
Here’s the preamble for the video:
“As technology and workplaces change, the way we learn needs to adapt to meet the needs of your employees. Classroom learning and traditional online courses aren’t sufficient on their own anymore, but what replaces it? From social media and mobile technology to gaming and virtual tools, there is a lot to learn and there are lots of tools available”
(August 2018 update: The videos in the links below have been taken down now, but the transcripts of the interviews remain if you’d like to read the interview)
Click the image to play the video…
Update May 1/2013:
Here is part 2 of the interview. The focus is on social and mobile learning with some discussion of gaming and simulation. Click the image to play.
Update May 14:
Here is the third and final instalment of the interview. The focus is on virtual learning, performance support and implications for the learning and development professional.
Good overview, Tom. I’d add a couple of things to the discussion.
First, in most situations, none of these channels stand as powerfully on their own as they can together. I think this is the biggest mistake we tend to make. We tend toward tunnel vision and isolated intervention rather than exercising a method for its strengths and realizing the trade-offs.
Second, performance support IS a learning tool if successful accomplishment resulting from practice creates a good learning experience. Particularly if the practice is repeated. We produce quite a bit of performance support for technical maintenance and inspection tasks.
One of the great benefits to building performance support are the side-effects of the validation process. We often influence other institutional measures with both the validation reports as well as the performance support tool itself. This can result in adjustments to policy, resource allocation, tool provision, etc.. The process of mapping and engineering is as valuable as the tool itself.
We also add connectable moments within the performance support product to address gaps discovered in a performance analysis (when resourced) or within the validation. For example, we may discover that technicians aren’t working on a piece of gear because they don’t understand it. While we don’t address this, necessarily, with training, a brief orientation made available at the right moment can help to close the confidence gap. And this usually doesn’t take much.
One of the deployment archetypes we use is the “tool and companion” pattern. This provides a job aid or electronic performance support tool and pool of references and pairs it with a practice activity or decision assessment on the LMS. This pairing provides multiple benefits. First, it provides the organization confidence that folks in the audience have used the tool *at least once*. Second, it eases development for folks that otherwise might want training. What they really want to know is “can folks do it?” A support tool and paired assessment seems like a better way to do this than a course.
[…] I did a three part interview series recently with HRM Online introducing emerging approaches to learning. You can probably guess what they are: Informal Learning Social Learning Mobile Learning Vi… […]
[…] I did a three part interview series recently with HRM Online introducing emerging approaches to learning. You can probably guess what they are: Informal Learning Social Learning Mobile Learning Vi… […]