Last Thursday (November 17), I presented a session on the use of deliberate practice in learning and performance at the CSTD national conference in Toronto. I promised participants that I would post the slide set on this blog. I’m a little slow getting to it but here you are. They are not fully explanatory, but if you would like to discuss any aspects of the presentation or how you might use the principles in your organization, please contact me and I’d be happy to discuss. If you are one of the participants that came to the presentation, thank you for contributing to a lively session!
Here’s the session description for the CSTD conference web site:
I think I manged to touch most of the objectives listed. When I read the popular books mentioned in the description I was intrigued that they all drew on the same source research. I have posted on this research in the past. Over the course of the last couple of years I dove into that source research and what I learned was the focus of the presentation along with connections that I made to current approaches to practice in the workplace (primarily informal). Most of the practice approaches described stress authentic tasks and problems, development of tacit knowledge and practical intelligence and the critical role of feedback learning process. I’ll try to post on some of the key concepts from the research in the future. Cheers!
[slideshare id=10281412&doc=cstd2011practicemakesperfectrevisted-111122211458-phpapp02]
[…] Tom Graham (Presenter) […]