I recently received my Certified Training and Development Professional Designation (CTDP) from the Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD). I’ve been working in this profession for a number of years and have been an intermittent member of CSTD over that time. CSTD has been working hard to build the certification as an indicator of accomplishment and excellence in the workplace learning and performance profession in Canada.
from the CSTD website: CSTD is a strategic world leader, driving excellence in workplace learning and performance, impacting business success. The CTDP designation is intended to set the standard for quality for the Training and Development industry
The CSTD Training Competency Architecture
The performance standard for the CTDP designation is the Training Competency Architecture, a set of competencies, knowledge and behaviours describing best practice performance in five categories. CTDP holders must demonstrate competence against these standards. I’ve listed the five competency categories and core competencies from the Architecture below.
What’s Missing?
The Architecture and supporting certification exam are currently under formal review for additions and modifications. Most learning and performance professionals will notice areas where the competencies could be modified to incorporate crossover disciplines and meet emerging trends. For example, I think technology in learning and performance is at this point a core skill, as are informal learning approaches and sister competencies such as knowledge management and performance consulting.
Do you have any thoughts on the competencies and how they might be modified/updated to meet current workplace requirements?
CSTD Competency Categories
Each competency category is subdivided into core competencies, which are further subdivided into contributing competencies. Details can be found here
Analyzing Performance/Training Needs
Core Competencies:
- Prepare Training Needs Analysis Strategy/Project Plan
- Prepare Training Needs Analysis Methods and Media
- Conduct Training Needs Analysis
- Identify and Evaluate Solutions
- Present Solutions and Document Decisions
Designing Training
Core Competencies:
- Conduct a Detailed Training Design Analysis
- Determine the Performance/Learning Objectives & Sequence
- Prepare a “Concept Draft” of the Training Design
- Design the Learning Evaluation (Process & Content)
- Design the Learning Materials & Media
- Validate/Pilot the Training Design (Process & Content)
- Finalize/Produce the Learning Materials & Media
- Support the Implementation/Evaluate the Organizational Impact
- Update and Maintain Learning Materials & Media
Core Competencies:
- Prepare to Facilitate/Instruct
- Relate Design to Unique Needs of Learners & Organization
- Create and Maintain a Hospitable Learning Environment
- Create and Maintain a Learner-Centered Environment
- Foster Learning
- Facilitate Individual and Group Work and Process
- Engage Learners Through Communication Skills
- Use Media and Technology to Enhance Learning
- Behave Ethically and Keep Current
Evaluating Training
Core Competencies:
- Prepare the Training Evaluation System/Process
- Determine the Training Evaluation Methods and Media
- Implement the Training Evaluation System/Process
- Respond to Evaluation Results/Recommendations
- Maintain and update the training evaluation system/process
Coaching the Application of Training
Core Competencies:
- Identify the Need for Performance Improvement/Development
- Communicate Learning Expectations/Follow-Up Coaching Plan
- Support and Monitor Completion of Training
- Coach On-the-Job Application of Training
- Evaluate Success of Training Application & Support
More information on the CTDP certification can be found here
[…] when it consists of checking off boxes of how many conferences you have attended. Tom Gram, now Certifiable (Certified Training & Development Professional with CSTD), wonders: Most learning and […]